Business Ethics in a Box is a free, comprehensive, open-access teaching and learning resource for faculty and students interested in business ethics. Our goal is to revolutionize business ethics teaching by creating content that better suits the needs of today’s business students. 

Business Ethics in a Box includes free, open-access syllabi, annotated lecture slides on a wide range of topics, lecture notes, in-class activities, and descriptions of novel assessment activities and deliverables. These materials are suitable for classes for business ethics, social entrepreneurship, ethical leadership, PPE (politics, philosophy, and economics), effective altruism, moral psychology, and related classes. We will continuously update and expand these materials as we teach new courses and try new things. 

Please take what you find useful. Modify and use it as you see fit. If you make improvements or have suggestions, please share them with us.

This project is an initiative of the Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business. It is funded through a generous grant on “Markets, Social Entrepreneurship, and Effective Altruism” from the John Templeton Foundation. All of the materials provided here have been developed, tested, and used routinely (much of it for over a decade) by the core ethics faculty at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.